
We hold certificates ISO 9001 Quality Management System , ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and Management System for Production, Output Control and Testing according to Module D of Directive 2014/31/EU . Our solutions and products meet high technical standards.

Our company is registered for repairs and installation of specified gauges in accordance with Act no. 157/2018 Coll. on metrology, by Decision of the Office for Standardization, Metrology and Testing of the Slovak Republic (ÚNMS SR) No.: UNNMS/01956/2019-900/007516/2019. We are also a member of the "Únia váharov Slovenskej republiky".

ISO 9001:2016

Management System

ISO 14001

Management System

Smernica 2014/31/EU

Management System for Portfolio,
Output Control and Testing

We are a reliable business partner verified and registered in
Register of Public Sector Partners, as well as in  Zozname hospodárskych subjektov maintained by the Slovak Public Procurement Office.